NOV 8-10, 2024

YORK, PA 17408
ACEP No. 7047

The Bodhana Group has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7047. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Bodhana Group is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Complaint Policy
If a participant or potential participant would like to express a concern about his/her/their experience with The Bodhana Group, they may email thebodhanagroup@gmail.com. Although we do not guarantee a particular outcome, the individual can expect us to consider the complaint, make any necessary decisions and respond within a reasonable amount of time.
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust: Applying themes from Disney films to Therapeutic Practice
Speaker: Kara Allnutt, LMFT
This panel will apply themes and narratives from a variety of Disney films and characters to explore interpersonal relationships, family roles, healthy boundaries, emotional expression, and coping skills for anxiety and depression.
Off the Shelf: Therapeutic RPG’s Not Just D&D
Speaker: Jack Berkenstock Jr., MHS; Doug Hagler
Join us for a panel where we discuss some of the considerations one must make when deciding on an RPG system for therapeutic use with a helpful selection of some titles that can be used and why they work well.
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Legends of Lorem: A TRPG for Social Emotional Learning
Speaker: Richard Stubbs
Introducing Legends of Lorem, a tabletop roleplaying game specifically designed for use in schools, therapy clinics, and homes to help players improve social emotional learning skills. While it is every bit as fun to play as the most popular TRPGS, Legends of Lorem can be targeted at learning and therapeutic goals.
Come experience the simplicity and effectiveness of this game as both a therapeutic tool and fun game to play. Additionally learn advanced tips and tricks for storytelling and game leading that will enhance you experience with any roleplaying games.
A Narrative Approach to Therapy Blended TRPGs
Speakers: Jared Avery, P-RDT
This presentation will cover the basics of how narrative therapy, narrative play therapy, and the social constructionism that fuels them can be a driving therapeutic force in therapy blended TRPGs.
Guided Imagery and Healing with RPGs
Speaker: Brent Harris, LPC
We will discuss the role of guided imagery within the context of role playing. The two would not seem to have an overlap, but we will identify the therapeutic value of storytelling, as well as how storytelling and guided imagery can be used to bring a client closer to a deeper expression of themselves. Guided imagery and directed altered states of consciousness can also bring the therapist in better alignment with healing goals. This is a modern day use of shamanistic principles in which the healer goes on a journey for their client to bring back that which is meaningful for the healing of the client.
Neurodiverse Narratives: Femme Presentations of ADHD in Gaming
Speakers: Charlene MacPherson, LCSW-C, Mo Czubba, Eric A. Drosnock LPC, Emily L. Miller LPC
Join us for an enlightening panel exploring the intersection of femme-presenting ADHD and gaming. Our experts specializing in mental health and gaming culture will dive into how ADHD manifests in those socialized as female including nonbinary perspectives. Through the lens of TTRPGs video games and fandoms we'll explore the unique challenges and strengths of the femme presentation of ADHD. By providing educational proficiency in differing ADHD representations this conversation will highlight the impact of neurodiversity on identity gameplay and community with the aim of promoting a more nuanced understanding of ADHD resulting in a compassionate and accommodating gaming environment.
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Use of Interactive Tabletop Gaming Sites in Telehealth
Speaker: Kara Allnutt, LMFT
Participants will learn how to utilize interactive tabletop gaming websites to engage with clients during telehealth sessions. The workshop will cover both how to use an existing game library in sessions and how to design a simple board game using the website.
Therapeutic Applications of Geeky Media
Speaker: Abraham Klein, LPC
The panel explores different forms of media and their therapeutic applications, with a focus on media that is particularly evocative of strong emotion and connection in those who engage with it. The panel starts by identifying what the term "geeky media" refers to, then identifying the different types of media to be explored in presentation as well as what each is and is not, then looking at different specific interventions using such media, then ending with resources for attendees' further exploration on the topic.
Benefits and Challenges of RPGs in Residential Settings for Youth
Presenter: Jack Berkenstrock Jr., MHS, Jared Avery, P-RDT
Join in a fascinating and insightful panel as we discuss some of the challenges that might occur in residential settings for youth. These include challenges unique to this type of environment such as continuum of care, rules common to these environments and client and staff factors that might complicate the use of RPGs but also we’ll discuss specific benefits and strategies that help integrate this approach into these settings.
Women in Gaming
Speakers: Dixie Cochran, Roberta Taylor, Crystal Mazur, Nicole Amato
Join our panel as we explore some of the concerns facing women in the gaming industry as we discuss multiple women with varying roles within the industry.​
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Board Games for Capacity Building - A Talk and Play Panel
Speaker: James Kirk; Jared Avery, P-RDT
Using board games are one of the many ways that tabletop games and intentional use intersect. Join two of Bodhana’s trainers as they take you on a tour of some quick to play titles, discuss the benefits of them and then we sit to play so you can experience them first hand!
Improv and YOU
Speaker: Mary Sebastian Braasch
Do you enjoy roleplaying games but are afraid to do a silly voice? Do you like tabletop games but find yourself loosing because you can't think outside of the box? (pun intended). Learn the history behind some classic theater improv games, the intent behind their usage, and how they can help you become a better dungeon master, player, or board game enthusiast.
Tabletop and Roleplaying Games With Family Based Services: A Case Study
Speaker: Mary Sebastian Braasch, LSW
For the past year MarySebastian worked with family based services, a therapy service focusing on children and families experiencing moderate to extreme mental health challenges. This workshop will go over the various expressive arts methods used over that time, highlighting tabletop and roleplaying games.
Designing Venture Society TTRPG for Professionals
Speaker: Timothy Grant, Heather O’Neill, Doug Levandowski
A look into what it takes to design a game for from the perspective of the people who helped write it. Learn ways Venture Society can be used in schools in therapy and at home to help kids grow socially.
Venture Society is an all-ages, non-violent roleplaying game focusing on building skills related to personal strengths, emotional wellness, social awareness, and communication while having a fun experience.
Parents and professionals (therapists, teachers, etc) can use Venture Society as a fun activity that will also build the child's Social Emotional Learning skills. Everyone is invited to join the Venture Society.
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Branch Riders: Eight realms, One Path to Wellness… One Year Later
Speaker: Jack Berkenstock Jr., Dixie Cochran, Doug Hagler, Rich Thomas
Join us for a fascinating panel discussing the exciting proprietary role playing game Branch Riders - now successfully Kickstarted. We’ll discuss the system basics, the benefits and where we are at in the process of bringing this game to the general public. We will focus our discussion on how the system balances fun and function and how it integrates therapy into great storytelling.
3:15pm - 4:45pm
Branch Riders: Therapy- it’s in There…
Speaker: Jack Berkenstock Jr., Jared Avery
This panel is going to give a more in depth explanation of how the therapeutic aspects of Branch Riders are embedded into the system of the game. We will examine the mechanics of the game and give more detailed information of how each component was designed and what it means at the table for both an intentional practitioner and client.